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AirPod Cleaning Hacks - The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Wireless Earbuds

August 03, 2022 2 POPULAR READ

Why You Should Clean Your AirPods?

AirPods are very popular nowadays. But many of us don't take care of them properly.

 What are the effects of not cleaning your AirPods?

The dirt and dust that accumulate in the AirPods will cause a bad audio quality. You won't be able to hear what you're listening to as well as you should. Your AirPods will also have a shorter lifespan because they will be exposed to more dirt and dust.

How do you clean your AirPods?

You can use a dry cotton swab or a toothpick to remove the dirt and dust that accumulated inside your AirPod. There is also an airpod cleaning kit on Amazon which includes an earbud brush, an alcohol-free cleaner, and a drying cloth for $8 .You can use a dry cotton swab or a toothpick to remove the dirt and dust that accumulated inside your AirPod. There is also an airpod cleaning kit on Amazon which includes an earbud brush, an alcohol-free cleaner, and a drying cloth for $8.